Monday, March 9, 2015

Question 1472

The Reel Eye Company is one of the largest companies which provides this particular 'service' to film, TV and media companies in the western world. Founded in 1997, it has quickly become one of the largest service-provider of its kind and counts the X-Men franchisee, the Marvel superhero films, Game of Thrones and the latest Star Wars movie as its clients.

What 'service' does the Reel Eye Company provide?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


The title to which novel comes from the first verse of W.B. Yeats's poem "The Second Coming"?

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
______ ____ _____; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Question 1470

Seen in Pacific Northwest, North America
Height: 6-10 feet
Weight: more than 500 pounds(230kg)
Has an unpleasant smell. nocturnal, omnivorous
Facial characteristics: large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested.
Normally has 5 toes, but few cases of 2, 6.
What is this a report of?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Question 1469:Do it Gently

"X" included a reference to "Y" in the original radio version of "Z", in which he describes the main characters surveying the landscape of an alien planet, while their android companion, hums a song by "Y". This was cut out of the CD version. "X" also compared the various noises that the kakapo makes to "Y studio out-takes" in his nonfiction book on endangered species, "W"
X's official biography shares its name with a song by "Y". "X" was friends with "Y" guitarist "A". In fact once on  X's birthday, he was invited to make a guest appearance at Y's 28 October 1994 concert at Earls Court in London, playing guitar on two songs. "X" chose the name for Y's 1994 album, "B", by picking the words from the lyrics to one of its tracks. "A"  also performed at X's memorial service, and what would have been X's 60th birthday party.
Here is some more:
"X" was a friend of  the lead singer, pianist and songwriter of Procol Harum, Gary Brooker. "X" invited him to one of the many parties that he held at his house. On one such occasion, Brooker performed the full (4 verse) version of  A Whiter Shade of Pale  and also performed at X's memorial service.
"X" appeared on stage to perform In Held Twas in I at Redhill when the band's lyricist Keith Reid was not available. On several other occasions he introduced Procol Harum at their gigs.
"X" would listen to music while writing, and this would occasionally influence his work. On one occasion the title track from a Procol Harum album was playing and his thoughts were:

"Suddenly in the middle of the song there was this huge orchestral climax that came out of nowhere and did not seem to be about anything. I kept wondering what was this huge thing happening in the background? And I eventually thought ... it sounds as if there ought to be some sort of floorshow going on. Something huge and extraordinary, like, well, the end of the universe".

I only want X,Y.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Question 1468

Starts with Prima autem et manifestior via est, quæ sumitur ex parte motus, from The Argument of the Unmoved Mover, going through The Argument of the First Clause, The Argument from Contingency, The Argument from Degree, ends with Ergo est aliquid intelligens, a quo omnes res naturales ordinantur ad finem, et hoc dicimus ____ , from the X Argument which states/proves in the end that Y exists. All of them are proposed proofs taking the form of scholarly arguments. Gimme Y and Identify.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Question 1467: Fascinating

The text was clearly written from left to right, with a slightly ragged right margin. Longer sections are broken into paragraphs, sometimes with star or flower-like "bullets" in the left margin. There is no obvious punctuation, and no indications of any errors or corrections made at any place in the document. The ductus flows smoothly, giving the impression that the symbols were not enciphered, as there is no delay between characters as would normally be expected in written encoded text. 
The text consists of over 170,000 glyphs, usually separated from each other by narrow gaps. While there is some dispute as to whether certain glyphs are distinct or not, an alphabet with 20–30 glyphs would account for virtually all of the text; the exceptions are a few dozen rarer characters that occur only once or twice each. Various transcription alphabets have been created, to equate the glyphs with Latin characters in order to help with cryptanalysis. The first major one was created by cryptographer William F. Friedman in the 1940s, where each line of the text was transcribed to an IBM punch card to make it machine-readable.
Wider gaps divide the text into about 35,000 "words" of varying length. These seem to follow phonological or orthographic laws of some sort, e.g., certain characters must appear in each word (like English vowels), some characters never follow others, some may be doubled or tripled but others may not, etc.
Statistical analysis of the text reveals patterns similar to those of natural languages. For instance, the word entropy (about 10 bits per word) is similar to that of English or Latin texts. Some words occur only in certain sections, or in only a few pages; others occur throughout the text. There are very few repetitions among the thousand or so "labels" attached to the illustrations.
On the other hand, the "language" is quite unlike European languages in several aspects. There are practically no words comprising more than ten glyphs, yet there are also few one- or two-letter words. The distribution of letters within words is also rather peculiar: some characters occur only at the beginning of a word, some only at the end, and some always in the middle section. 
The text seems to be more repetitive than typical European languages, causing single-substitution alphabet decipherings to yield babble-like text. 
There are only a few words written in a seemingly Latin script. The lettering resembles European alphabets of the late 14th and 15th centuries, but the words do not seem to make sense in any language. Also, a series of diagrams in the "astronomical" section has the names of ten of the months (from March to December) written in Latin script, with spelling suggestive of the medieval languages of France, northwest Italy or the Iberian Peninsula. However, it is not known whether these bits of Latin script were part of the original text or were added later. With everything from its origin, purpose, ownership, significance and authenticity a mystery, what is this?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Question 1466

Identify. Too many clues there. Sorry I'm bored and running dry at the moment.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Question 1465

Focussing onto a 20 cm × 25 cm (7.9 in × 9.8 in) pewter plate coated with bitumen of Judea, a mixture similar to asphalt, hardening the bitumen mixture by exposing it to about 8 hours of light, while the unexposed portions remained water soluble and then washing them away with a mixture of oil of lavender and white petroleum gave this. What is it called?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Question 1464

-X. What is missing?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Question 1463

Subject in question: La Gioconda/La Joconde
First at the scene: Louis Beroud
Initial Suspects: Guillaume Apollinaire, X(Implicated by Apollinaire)
Culprit: Y
Gimme X.
