Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Question 1105: I had friends on that...not the ______ you were looking for.

Mimas is a moon of Saturn which was discovered in 1789 by William Herschel. It is named after Mimas, a son of Gaia in Greek mythology, and is also designated Saturn I.
By diameter (396 kilometers) the twentieth largest moon in the solar system, Mimas is the smallest known astronomical body that is thought to be rounded in shape due to self-gravitation.

Mimas' most distinctive feature is a colossal impact crater 130 kilometres across, named Herschel after the moon's discoverer. Herschel's diameter is almost a third of the moon's own diameter; its walls are approximately 5 kilometres high, parts of its floor measure 10 kilometres deep, and its central peak rises 6 kilometres above the crater floor. If there were a crater of an equivalent scale on Earth it would be over 4,000 kilometres in diameter, wider than Canada. The impact that made this crater must have nearly shattered Mimas: fractures can be seen on the opposite side of Mimas that may have been created by shock waves from the impact travelling through the
moon's body.

But what makes the moon special is that when viewed fron certain angles it is said to have an uncanny resemblance to the fictional "X Y".

Connect XY to the movie scene this LOLcat meme is parodying.

Answer: Pac man.

LOL just kidding, that's the Thermal Imaging...It indeed resembles the Death Star of Star Wars fame.

Quoting PSK, "The LOLcat refers to the scene from the empire strikes back where luke pilots the x wing along the death star's central trench similar to the ditch in the lolcat pic and fires his proton torpedo to destroy the death star before it blew up Yavin 4, the rebel's base planet. he uses the Force to guide him instead of the on board targeting computer."

11 Answers:

Siddarth Pai said...

death star

Sonam Kambli said...

Pac Man

Adi said...

Death Star with its Superlaser,from Star Wars.

prashanth said...

Death Star from Star Wars...

Vasudev said...

Death star

abhilash said...

death star from star wars

wheelsandwings said...

Death star from star wars

Rahul Varma said...

Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Prashanth Koundinya said...

X Y - Death Star, the infamous planet destroying weapon of the Galactic Empire from the Star Wars series. The LOLcat refers to the scene from the empire strikes back where luke pilots the x wing along the death star's central trench similar to the ditch in the lolcat pic and fires his proton torpedo to destroy the death star before it blew up Yavin 4, the rebel's base planet. he uses the force to guide him instead of the on board targeting computer

a.k said...

Death Star, space station from the film Star Wars Episode IV

Aaslesh said...

Death Star