Saturday, August 21, 2010

Question 785

It is commonly believed that the coffee bean that originated in the port city of X was encountered by Marco Polo on his trip through the Arab World. After the month and a half of Polo's turbulent journey, his party were forced to go ashore at Ṣūr (modern-day Tyre, Lebanon) to resupply their stocks, because the captain, William Maurice, had provided insufficient room for food storage. In the marketplace there, Polo found a Yemenite salesman who had brought coffee beans from X, purchased some and ultimately returned with them (among many other imports) to Europe. However, the bean was not widely known through Europe until the 17th century. In 1595 Spanish Jesuit missionary Pedro Paez was the first European to taste X's coffee in place. The term "X" in relation to chocolate and coffee–chocolate blends is strictly as a result of European influence. Chocolate is not cultivated at X nor imported into it. Identify X.

Answer: Mocha which gives its name to the Mocha coffee