Friday, June 18, 2010

Question 684:Eccentricity

Sitter(but don't sit on this one):
X has made several expressions of his feelings for Y to the media, most notably the "Z incident" which took place on the _____ Show of May 23, 2005. X "jumped around the set, hopped onto a Z, fell to one knee and repeatedly professed his love for his new girlfriend."The phrase "jumping the Z", fashioned after "jumping the shark", is used to describe someone "going off the deep end" in public in a manner extreme enough to tarnish his or her reputation. It enjoyed a short-lived popularity, being chosen by the editors of the Historical Dictionary of American Slang as the "slang term of the year" in 2005 and by the nonprofit group Global Language Monitor as one of its top phrases for the year.
The "Z incident" was voted #1 of 2005's "Most Surprising Television Moments" on a countdown on E! and was the subject of numerous parodies, including the Scary Movie 4, an episode of South Park and an episode of Family Guy. Entertainment Weekly put it on its end-of-the-decade, "best-of" list, saying, "Lesson learned: Tell, don't show."
Too easy, I guess.Nevertheless, name this very popular and extremely crazy incident.

Answer: X is Tom Cruise, Y is Katie Holmes, Z is couch and the famous Oprah Winfrey incident.

6 Answers:

Unknown said...

TOM CRUISE [X], during THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW, jumped around the set, hopped on to a COUCH [Z], fell to one knee and repeatedly professed his love for his girl friend KATIE HOLMES [Y]. The COUCH INCIDENT

akshay saxena said...

The couch incident on the oprah winfrey show
tom cruise and katie holmes

Kartikeya Pradhan said...

tom cruise incident on oprah winfrey show

Anshuman said...

X= Tom Cruise
Y= Katie Holmes
Z= couch

Apoorv Raj said...

X=Tom Cruise
Y=Katie Holmes
_____=Oprah Winfrey

Chinmay said...

X-tom cruse
Y-katie holmes
Z-couch(as in jumping of the couch)