Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Question 521

This sequence was created by Maurice Binder for the opening titles of the first ___X___film,_______, in 1962. Binder originally planned to employ a camera sighted down the ___Y___of a .38 calibre _Z__, but this caused some problems. Unable to stop down the lens of a standard camera enough to bring the entire ___ZY____ into focus, Binder created a pinhole camera to solve the problem and the___Y___ became crystal clear.

The ___X___ ____ZY____ sequence is the signature device that opens most of the ___X___ films. Shot from the point-of-view of a presumed assassin, it features _____________________ walking, turning and then shooting directly at camera, causing blood to run down the screen.

Id :- X,Y,Z & ZY

2 Answers:

EthICal HaCKer said...

James Bond - X
Barrel - Y
Gun - Z
Gun Barrel - ZY

Kaushik said...

X - Bond (James Bond)

Y - barrel

Z - gun

ZY - gun barrel