Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Question 308

Answer: Pic 1:Lionel Messi in an commercial for Adidas narrating his growth hormone deficiency.

Pic 2: Tom Thumb and his wife who too, suffered from Growth hormone deficiency.

Cracked by Adi, Sanket "Bhillu" and an anonymous guy.

P.S. Anonymous users please leave a comment via the Name/URL option so that your name can be posted in the list of people who have got the answer.

4 Answers:

Anonymous said...

The person in the first pic is
Lionel messi,featuring in an ad for adidas.he had a growth hormone problem.
I dunno who the guy in the second pic is,but he is short.
so the connect is probably growth hormone defeciency,causing stunted growth.

Anonymous said...

has it something to do with gullivers traves in lilliput and brobdingnag.

Aditya said...

well,the guy in the first pic is lionel messi,in an advertisement for adidas.he had a growth hormone problem resulting in stunted growth.
dunno who the guy in the second pic is,but he is short.
so the connect is probably growth hormone problems.

Anonymous said...

Messi and Tom Thumb growth retardation -bhillu