Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Question Set 137 to 140


1)This French food is a buttery flaky pastry, named for its distinctive crescent shape. It is also sometimes called a crescent or crescent roll:
"On a small table at her side a tray had been left, with the remains of dejeuner; a jug stained brown with streaks of coffee; a crumbled crescent roll..."
Crescent-shaped breads have been made since the Middle Ages, and crescent-shaped cakes (imitating the often-worshiped Moon) possibly since classical times:
Hebrew women, in the time of Jeremiah, made in honor of the pagan goddess Astarte(queen of heaven, queen of the moon) cakes in the form of a crescent. What?

2)It was first published by Sarah Josepha Hale on May 24, 1830, and was inspired by an actual incident of Mary Sawyer (later Mrs. Mary Tyler) Mary recalled:
"Visiting school that morning was a young man by the name of John Roulstone, a nephew of the Reverend Lemuel Capen, who was then settled in Sterling. It was the custom then for students to prepare for college with ministers, and for this purpose Mr. Roulstone was studying with his uncle. The young man was very much pleased with the incident of the ____; and the next day he rode across the fields on horseback to the little old schoolhouse and handed me a slip of paper which had written upon it the three original _______ of the ____..."
There are two competing theories on its origin. One holds that Roulstone wrote the first four lines and that the final twelve lines, more moralistic and much less childlike than the first, were composed by Sarah Josepha Hale; the other is that Hale was responsible for the entire thing.What?

3)The word X derives historically from "gum benjamin", an aromatic resin known to European pharmacists and perfumers since the 15th century as a product of southeast Asia. It is itself a corruption of the Arabic expression "luban jawi," or "frankincense of Java." An acidic material was derived from it by sublimation, and named.What is X?

4)This phrase is a placeholder for multiple unspecified people; it plays the same role for one unspecified person. The phrase most commonly occurs as "every ___, ____ and _____", meaning everyone, and "any ___, ____ or ______", meaning anyone. The masculine names in these phrase do not in themselves imply exclusion of females, but use of either version when the context implies necessarily being female − for example, "Your mother could be any ____ ____ or _____" − would normally be seen as careless or ironic.Which phrase?

That's all folks!

1)Croissant which is the French word for Crescent.
2)The nursery rhyme "Mary had A Little Lamb.."
4)Tom,Dick and Harry

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