Monday, July 25, 2011

Question 1186 : High In The Sky

This one is sort of an irritating question. Lets just say, there's more to some elements than meets the eye ;), as a clue, they are A,B and E.


Grand Canyon
The Harbor at Rio de Janeiro
Mt. Everest
Northern Lights
Paricutin Volcano
Victoria Falls

Bashful Long beard Brown top, green hat, long eyelashes
Doc Short beard Red tunic, brown hat, glasses
B Beardless Green tunic, purple hat, big ears
Grumpy Long beard Red tunic, brown hat, scowl
Happy Short beard Brown top, orange headpiece, smile
Sleepy Long beard Green top, blue hat, heavy eyelids
Sneezy Short beard brown jacket, orange headpiece, red nose

C is the Sanskrit word for hemp.

In the United States, the symbol is usually called the pound sign and the key bearing this symbol on touch tone phones is called the pound key.In Canada, this key is most frequently called the number sign key. In most other English-speaking countries the symbol is usually called the D, and the corresponding telephone key is the D key. Beginning in the 1960s, telephone engineers have attempted to coin a special name for this symbol, with variant spellings including octothorp, octothorpe, octathorp, octotherp, octathorpe, and octatherp; none has become widely accepted.







H is usually used to describe a person(more often a plant) of a scrawny build; spindly or gawky.

A= Great Barrier REEF (7 wonders of the natural world)
B= DOPEy (The 7 Dwarfs)
D=# or HASH
E=Harry POTter
F= Mary Poppins / AUNT MARY
G= Kirsten Dunst who played MARY JANE in Spider man 1 or 2 or whatever
I=GANGSTER (A bit cryptic)
The connect being that all the above are street names for Marijuana.
PS= Sorry for the mistakes in alphabets... I was high ;)

6 Answers:

HARDIK said...

(c:bhanga, d:hash,e: 'pot'ter, h:weedy)

Unknown said...

A = 7 Natural Wonders (Wonder drug = Marijuana)
B = Seven Dwarfs (Their names denote 7 stages of Cocaine addiction)
C = Bhang
D = # Hash or Hashish
E = Potter (Pot)
F = Mary Poppin (poppy i guess!!)
G = Mary Jane (Marijuana slang)
F = Boom (Marijuana slang)
G = Mafia (i guess)
H = Weed

Connect is marijuana/Cannabis or just drugs in general

Adi said...

Slang words and names for 'psychoactive' drugs...hashish,mary jane,ganja,weed and so on.

VK said...

A = Great Barrier Reef > Reefer
B = Dopey > Dope
C = Ganja
D = Hash
E = Harry Potter > Pot
F = Mary Poppins >
G = Mary Jane > MJ
H = Boom
I = Gangster
J = Weed
All slang words for Marijuana

rishwin said...

drug ?

Matthew said...

is it smthing related to 7???