In a certain film franchise, 1 has played the character X in all the films of the franchise. In the first film of this franchise, 2 played the character Y. The character Y doesn't appear in any of the following sequels until he makes an appearance in the last film of the franchise. However, in the last film, Y is instead played by 1. (1 plays both X and Y only in the last film)
1: Warwick Davis
2: Verne Troyer
X:Prof Flitwick
10 Answers:
X-Filius Flitwick
Y-Griphook goblins from Harry Potter
1-Warwick Davis
2-Verne Tyler
x- flitwick
doctor evil nd mini me
X-professor flitwick
1-warwick davis
2-verne troyer
X: Filius Flitwick
Y: Verne Troyer
X:Professor Filius Flitwick
Y: Griphook
Verne Troyer plays Griphook in HP PS
and Griphook(DH) as well as Flitwick(1-7) are played by Warwick Davis.
I obviously don't remember the names of the actors, but 1 plays Professor Flitwick and 2 plays Griphook the Goblin in the Harry Potter series.
1: Warwick Davis
2: Verne Troyer
X:Prof Flitwick
film series- Harry Potter
X= professor Filius Flitwick
Y= Griphook
1= Warwick Davis
2= Verne Troyer
X-Professor Filius Flitwick
1-Warwick Davis
2-Verne Tyler
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