Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Question 1330: What happened to shouting?

Prior to World War I, the doctrine regarding the weapon X was largely centered around the concept of 'reach'; that is, a soldier's theoretical ability, by use of an extremely long rifle and fixed X, to attack an enemy soldier without having to approach within reach of his opponent's blade. A combined length of rifle and X longer than that of the enemy infantryman's rifle and attached X, like the infantryman's pike of bygone days, was thought to impart a definite tactical advantage on the battlefield, and military authorities engaged in endless discussions over the supposed advantages of longer rifle/X combinations.

It's name supposedly originates from the town of Bayonne in South Western France where they were first made.

Identify X.

P.S. You might have noticed the absence of the Shoutmix chat in the sidebar for a few days. ShoutMix has shut down it's free service and we are unwilling to pay money for it(yes, we are ungrateful pricks). So we are now using Chatango, another chat service which is quite similar to the earlier Shoutmix.

Answer: Bayonet.