Complete the analogy and identify X. 1:2::3:X
Answer: 1: Hippocrates 2: Valentina Rossi a.k.a. The Doctor 3: Florence of Nightingale. So X is nurses, the funda being that as Doctors have to take the Hippocrates Oath, similarly Nurses need to take the Florence of Nightingale Pledge.
3 Answers:
GOD , god is in everyone and in everything always , so god comes after duing and b4 these people
1. Hippocrates
2. Valentino Rossi
3. Florence Nightingale
X. ?
Valetino Rossi is called 'The Doctor' and doctors take the Hippocratic Oath. ? is called 'The Nurse' and nurses take the Nightingale Oath.
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