Sunday, July 10, 2011

Question 1172 : Something stuck there








Italo X (Ferrara, June 6, 1896 – Tobruk, June 28, 1940) was an Italian Blackshirt (Camicie Nere, or CCNN) leader who served as Italy's Marshal of the Air Force (Maresciallo dell'Aria), Governor-General of Libya, Commander-in-Chief of Italian North Africa (Africa Settentrionale Italiana, or ASI), and the "heir apparent" to Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

After serving in World War I, X became the leading Fascist organizer in his home region of Ferrara. He was one of the four principal architects of the March on Rome that brought Mussolini and the Fascists to power in 1922. In 1926, he began the task of building the Italian Royal Air Force and took a leading role in popularizing aviation in Italy, and promoting Italian aviation to the world. In 1933, perhaps to relieve tensions surrounding him in Italy, he was given the government of Italian Libya, where he resided for the remainder of his life. X was the only leading Fascist to oppose both anti-Jewish racial laws and Mussolini's alliance with Nazi Germany. Early in World War II, he was killed by "friendly fire" when his plane was shot down over Tobruk by Italian anti-aircraft guns. The circumstances of his death are disputed.

Y in Hawaian means “Turn and flee.”

Connect A,B,C,D,E,F,G,X,Y and identify.

All of them are styles of facial hair A= French Fork B=Curtain as in chin curtain C=Goat, for goatee, pretty obvious D= DIck Van Dyke, for Van Dyke, E=Hollywood; Hollywoodian F=HandleBars. speaks for itself G=Mutton Chops X=Balbo Y=Hulihee

6 Answers:

Anonymous said...

A - French Fork
B - Chin Curtain
C - Goatee
D - Van Dyke
E - Hollywoodian
F - Handlebar
G - Mutton Chops
X - Balbo
Y - Hulihee

All types of Moustaches / Beards.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

A = Fork??
B = Chin Curtain
C = Goatee
D = Van Dyke
E = Holly woodian
F = Handle Bar
G = Mutton Chop
X = Balbo
Y = Hulihee

Types of Beards

Adi said...

Styles of facial hair...mostly beards.

Rahul Varma said...

Y -Huliheʻe (beard )
G- Silence of the Lambs(lol)
E-Holly wood

Wil give the rest later

Anirban said...

Types of beard ..
A- French Fork
B- Chin Curtain
C- Goatee
D- Vak Dyke
E- Hollywoodian
F- Handle bar
G- Friendly Mutton Chip
X- Balbo
Y- Hulihee

Hats Off to the question setter.. Its as tough n tricky as it can get.